Lightbox at the end of the tunnel

My friends bought me a lightbox. I gave it try. I like it. I actually takes me all the way back to the first few months of working on Eye-Eighty, when I would ink on vellum taped over my pencils.

I'm working away at the next Misericordia story titled, Suppression. I've had the core of the idea for some time, but I finally cracked how to get to that story through the characters. Entanglement was a huge lesson in a lot of things and I hope I am putting that to good use.


Heading off to CONvergence today. I have art in the art show, so if you're reading this and attending please stop by and have peek, of course you're welcome to bid on it too if that's your thing. I'm bringing some issues of Iris White #1 up to wave at people. I'm going to make an effort to at least connect to other artists and even try and talk about making art in general. Things I used to avoid much to my determent.

Iris White #2 is nearly complete. It should be out by the end of July. There will be one more issue to close out this chapter, a break while I get another project off the ground and then I'll return for the next three. I'd like to release it in chapters of 3 for the foreseeable future.

Script writing has been coming easier lately. It's the most difficult part of the process for me and results in a lot of stalled out projects. I'm making myself work through them and perhaps that is paying off.

Here's a preview of one of my next things after this round of Iris:
(click to enbiggen)