
Lightbox at the end of the tunnel

My friends bought me a lightbox. I gave it try. I like it. I actually takes me all the way back to the first few months of working on Eye-Eighty, when I would ink on vellum taped over my pencils.

I'm working away at the next Misericordia story titled, Suppression. I've had the core of the idea for some time, but I finally cracked how to get to that story through the characters. Entanglement was a huge lesson in a lot of things and I hope I am putting that to good use.

Con Season Wrap-Up and Misericordia

With OSFest coming to a close, the intense part of con season wraps up. For the most part I think I did well. Made at least one sale at every convention I showed. Won a couple of awards. I'm going to try and keep the momentum going, I think it's time I start submitting to art shows all years round, even if I'm not able to make to it a particular convention. I'm going to submit to a few outside my usual geographic haunts. We'll see what happens.

Finishing up the first story of Misericordia was quite an experience. Two complete pages a week was a lot of work, and a lot of last minute scrambling on my part. I did a hurried rewrite a few pages in and lost my backlog of pages in the process. I'm rethinking my workflow for the second part. I'm also preparing part one for a print edition. Stay tuned for that.

Currently, I'm documenting my progress on Misericordia in lieu of regular story updates. Check it out: http://theendofallsuffering.com/.


My new webcomic Misericordia is now beginning over at http://theendofallsuffering.com/. It will be updating every Tuesday and Thursday. I hope you enjoy it.

The Misericordia project has been gestating for about three years. It's gone through a number of revisions and changes over that time. The character on the left over there is  Ms. Eri, one of our 2.5 leads (you'll see).

I'm excited to get back into working on a regular project. I didn't even realize I was missing it, until I was finally in the middle of putting it together.

How long will it run? I'm not sure. I worked on Eye-Eighty for over eight years, but I honestly had no idea where I was going when I started. I see the shape of Misericordia and know how it ends, we'll just see how many detours I make in between.

See you at the end of all suffering.